What do I mean by “heterodox”?

The tagline I chose for eDaily is “covering news and politics from a heterodox perspective.” But what do I mean by “heterdox”? The traditional definition of this term is “not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards or beliefs.” I believe covering news and politics from this perspective is important in a world in which people are too often prone to accept the political orthodoxies of a particular party or cause. There are good ideas to be found on both (or all) sides of the political aisle, and unquestionably accepting an entire basket of views from one side or the other is a sure path to neglecting sensible solutions. The defining feature of this blog will be open-mindedness and intellectual curiousity, with ideas being critically explored on their own merit without respect to who they might come from. One of the goals of this blog is to bridge the political divide that currently exists across the Western world and cultivate an audience of people with diverse viewpoints. My political views continue to evolve, and I hope you join me on my intellectual journey by following this blog and engaging with its posts.